Our St. John drivers ed courses are fast, fun and easy! Our courses contain brand new videos, interactive video games, award-winning animations, and much more!
Course: St. John Indiana Online Driver Education Courses. Purpose: St. John Indiana Learners Permit or Drivers License preparation
$95.00 Lowest price in St. John Indiana! If you find our course at a less expensive price we will offer the course to you at even a lower price.
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St. John Indiana Licensing Procedures and St. John Indiana Online Driver Education
On behalf of the State of St. John Indiana, we welcome you to the world of driving! The process of applying for your St. John Indiana learner's permit or first St. John Indiana driver license can be as confusing as it is exciting, and so we have put together this informative guide to help you through the process.
St. John Indiana has a three-stage Graduated Driver License Program for St. John Indiana that is especially designed for newer driver, and there are a few things to keep in mind to make sure that you run into as few problems as possible. So let's get started.St. John Indiana Instructional Permit or St. John Indiana Learner Permit
When you're 15 years and 180 days old, you can apply for an St. John Indiana learner's permit, as long as you are enrolled in an St. John Indiana approved driver education program. In order to apply for your St. John Indiana learner's permit, you'll need to make an appointment at your local St. John Indiana BMV and then bring the following:
- Social Security number
- valid St. John Indiana identification documents
- St. John Indiana residency documents
- Proof of lawful status
- certificate of enrollment for your driver education program (if you're under 16)
Along with presenting all of these application materials, you must also take a written examination and a vision screening test.
Congratulations for making it this far! You just earned your St. John Indiana learners license, which is valid for 2 years. If you are enrolled in an approved St. John Indiana driver education program, you may practice with a certified driving instructor, as well as members of your family over 21. However, if you are not enrolled in an approved St. John Indiana online driver education program, you may only drive with a member of your family. After you've had your St. John Indiana learner's permit for 1 year, you'll be ready to apply for your St. John Indiana intermediate license.
Your First St. John Indiana Driver's License
In order to apply for your first St. John Indiana driver's license, you'll need to make sure you follow a few State of St. John Indiana requirements:
- you must be 16 years and 180 days old
- keep your St. John Indiana learner's permit for at least 180 days in good standing
- complete at least 50 hours of supervised driving practice
- at least 10 hours must be at night
- Your St. John Indiana learner's license
- the required identification materials
- A signed agreement of financial liability
- Vision test
- Written test
- The dreaded road test!
St. John Indiana Teen Driver License Restrictions and Penalties
Until you turn 18, there are several restrictions you need to keep in mind regarding your St. John Indiana driver's license.If you can handle restricted driving for just a little bit longer, you will graduate to full driving privileges!
- For the first 180 days, you may not drive between 10PM and 5AM
- After 180 days, you may not drive during the following hours: Saturday and Sunday between 1AM and 5AM; Sunday through Thursday after 11PM; and Monday through Friday, before 5AM
St. John Indiana Auto Insurance St. John Indiana Financial Responsibility Laws
Once you receive your St. John Indiana drivers license, you're ready to drive, right? Wrong. You also need to make sure to get your vehicle insured. In St. John Indiana, any registered vehicle must be covered by liability insurance. The minimum coverage is:
- $25,000/50,00 for bodily injury
- $10,000 for property damage
- $50,000 for under insured motorists.
St. John Indiana Drunk Driving, Cell Phone, and Text Messaging Laws
As a new St. John Indiana driver, we value your safety above all else, so we consider it vital that you learn the St. John Indiana drunk driving, cell phone, and text messaging laws.
Upon your first conviction of a St. John Indiana DUI (0.08), you will face the following penalties:
- Jail sentence from 30 days to 60 days
- St. John Indiana license suspension up to 2 years
- Court fees of at least $300
- Up to $500 fine
- Probation up to 2 years
If you are an St. John Indiana teen driver under 18 years old, you are prohibited from using an electronic device while driving, which of course includes texting while driving!
St. John Indiana Online Driver Education
For more information about approved St. John Indiana driver education courses, head over the St. John Indiana BMV website.
In most states, you must be at least 15 1/2 to take drivers ed for your learners permit. You should check with your state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) (or whichever state agency handles the issuance of drivers licenses in St. John Indiana) to make sure that you are eligible to take St. John Indiana driver education.
Please be aware that although TeenDrivingCourse.com is sufficient for fulfilling driver education requirements in some states, in other states TeenDrivingCourse.com is only offered as a supplement to the driver education and/or training you will receive at a state-approved driving school. To find out if TeenDrivingCourse.com will meet your state's minimum driver education requirements, we recommend that you check with the St. John Indiana Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Please be aware that while in some states TeenDrivingCourse.com is sufficient for fulfilling your state's driver education requirements, in other states TeenDrivingCourse.com is offered only as a supplement to the actual driver education and/or training you will receive at a state-approved driving school. To find out if TeenDrivingCourse.com will meet your state's minimum driver education requirements, please contact your local DMV office.