A Better Choice Driving School FAQ’s
A Better Choice Driving School's address and phone number is listed on your webpage. How can I know for sure if it is a licensed driver training school in New York?
Even though we provide a list of driver training schools on our website, we have no way of knowing for sure as to whether or not a particular school is certified by the New York DMV to offer behind-the-wheel training courses. We strongly suggest that you contact A Better Choice Driving School directly or check with the New York DMV to find out for sure if A Better Choice Driving School is a licensed school.
I've been told that either of my parents can supervise my driver training, so I don't have to attend a Bronx New York driving school like A Better Choice Driving School to fulfill my behind-the-wheel training requirement. Do you know if that's true or not?
You will need to contact the New York DMV or a state-approved driving school like A Better Choice Driving School to find out. Some states do allow parent-taught driving, but many states do not.
What happens if I don't know how to operate a manual-shift vehicle? Will A Better Choice Driving School allow me to do my driver training with an automatic-shift car?
Considering you're a brand new driver, you probably don't know much about operating any type of car--manual-shift or automatic-shift! However, if you prefer to complete your behind-the-wheel training using an automatic-shift vehicle, you should contact A Better Choice Driving School and let them know before you enroll in their behind-the-wheel training course. That way you will know for certain if they will accommodate you.
What happens to those of us who live in a rural area? Will A Better Choice Driving School include instruction on how to drive on dirt roads, mountain roads, and other rugged?
If you live in a rural location, there is a high probability that a local driving school like A Better Choice Driving School will either want--or even be required--to tailor their instruction towards driving safely in your particular locale.
Can 14-year-olds get instruction permits to drive in New York?
Most states have set the minimum age for applying for an instruction permit at 15 or 15 1/2. However, some states do allow 14-year-olds to get a learner's permit. You may want to contact the New York DMV or a New York-approved driver training school like A Better Choice Driving School to find out what the minimum age to drive is in New York.
Do you know if the laws in New York require new teen-aged drivers to take a driver training course in addition to a driver ed classroom or online course?
The laws vary from state to state, but many states do require you to take a behind-the-wheel training course with "hands-on" practice in addition to a drivers education classroom or online course.
I am looking to sign up to take a Bronx New York defensive driving course. Can A Better Choice Driving School assist me with this?
Yes. defensive driving courses are available in Bronx New York through A Better Choice Driving School. Please contact A Better Choice Driving School directly with questions regarding their schedule of classes and registration information.
What do I need to do to obtain a driver's license in Bronx New York?
It depends on New York's laws, but most states require new, teen-aged drivers to sign up to take a safe driving classroom course as well as a driver training course. You may want to call A Better Choice Driving School to see if they offer the driver training course that would fulfill the regulations set forth by the New York DMV.
Is a driver training course required in Bronx New York for me to get a drivers license?
The law in New York requires that all drivers complete a driver training program as part of their driver education. You should contact A Better Choice Driving School directly to find out about the types of courses they offer.
Do I need to have my learner's permit before I enroll in a behind-the-wheel training course like the one that A Better Choice Driving School offers?
You will need to contact A Better Choice Driving School or the New York DMV to find out if you are allowed to register with a driving school like A Better Choice Driving School before obtaining your New York learner's permit.